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dc.contributor.authorLee, Stella
dc.identifier.uri /1772
dc.descriptionI chaired the track on mobile learning with five presentations and led the panel discussion that followed. The topics included using cell phone instant messaging features to provide tutoring support for mathematics homework, project on the use of iPod for student video and audio interviews, using mobile technology to support the lack of infrastructure in African schools and the integration of e-learning and m-learning in South African classrooms. The emphasis was mostly on the African continent as mobile technology makes sense when there is a high adoption rate and the lack of general computing access in school. The session lasted from 1:30 pm til 4:30 pm and many good topics/issues emerged out of the panel.en
dc.description.abstractThe International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL-2008) invites researchers, practitioners and academics to present their research findings, work in progress, case studies and conceptual advances in areas of work where education and technology intersect. The conference brings together varied groups of people with different perspectives, experiences and knowledge in one location. It aims to help practitioners find ways of putting research into practice and researchers to gain an understanding of real-world problems, needs and aspirations. I serve as the conference executive as well as chairing a mini-track. I wrote the call for proposal (as described below), reviewed and selected papers to be presented at this track, facilitate the topics and discussions within this track, and present my own research finding.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.titleConference Executive and Chaired a mini-track session at the 2008 3rd International Conference on E-Learning (ICEL) in Cape Town, South Africa, June 26-27, 2008en

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